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Monolithic Cladding

As Wellington's leading specialists in monolithic and texture cladding painting, we bring extensive experience to every project. From concrete block homes to modern plaster renders, our expertise ensures your property receives the protection it needs.

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Monolithic Cladding Issues We Solve

  • Fine cracks through the plaster
  • Rust staining from exposed nails
  • Mould, mildew and lichen
  • Joint tape problems
  • Polystyrene placement degradation
  • Texture bubbling

Modern plaster rendered monolithic homes often present with fine cracks in the cladding or larger cracks around the joins in the sheeting behind the cladding. We recommend a weathertight membrane for these substrates which help to fill the cracks smaller than 1mm, larger cracks are filled.

A paint system will not solve leaky home problems or issues relating to the building design.  Painters Inc. specialise in painting monolithic houses and have extensive experience over many years for providing long term solutions for different types of monolithic properties.

What we recommend

A weathertight membrane provides protection for up to ten years, is three times the dry film thickness of a normal paint and prevents water ingress from the exterior.  It has superior void and crack filling properties.  

Our weathertight membrane of choice is Resene X-200. Resene X-200 has long been established as the best weathertight membrane for these properties.  Resene X-200 has the ability to fill cracks less than a 1mm unlike many elastomeric paints that can only bridge cracks. Look at our post regarding Resene X-200 vs Elastomeric paint for more information.

A weathertight membrane provides protection for up to ten years, is three times the dry film thickness of a normal paint and prevents water ingress from the exterior.  It has superior void and crack filling properties.  

Our weathertight membrane of choice is Resene X-200. Resene X-200 has long been established as the best weathertight membrane for these properties.  Resene X-200 has the ability to fill cracks less than a 1mm unlike many elastomeric paints that can only bridge cracks. Look at our post regarding Resene X-200 vs Elastomeric paint for more information.


How often do I need to repaint my monolithic home?

Every eight to ten years.

What regular maintenance is required?

Your home should be washed down every year to remove any mould and mildew. Check for fine cracks in the plaster - you can roll Resene X-200 into the crack to fill it.  Larger cracks may require extra filling before overcoating with Resene X-200.  

Gutters should be cleaned regularly, and vegetation should be kept away from the cladding.

Get a free tailored quote

We’d love to hear from you regarding your project.  Fill in the form or call Fiona in the office to arrange a time for us to come and look at your project.

Call: 0800 765 137


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